Thursday, 5 February 2015

Avalanche Peak

Today was going to be a rest-day but the weather was too good. Beautiful sunshine but with yesterday's snow on the peaks. So we decided to climb over 1000m to the top of Avalanche Peak. Only 8.5km there and back and with much lighter bags so much easier :-)

Good fun scrambling up and then hitting the snow line. Gave us a chance to top up our water as we were running a bit low and needed enough for a cup of tea on the top!

There was an exciting Crib Goch section right at the end but it didn't seem too scary.

As you can see from the pictures, we found Middle Earth.


  1. Can't beat a nice cup of tea :-)

  2. Ah there I beg to differ slightly. Does that contraption make BEER? Now that would be impressive...

    1. Hmmm.. Freeze-dried beer? Doesn't really appeal for some reason. We did think of you when we were packing to come here, and chucked a hip flask in, but I confess that we haven't taken it out with us yet.

  3. Embarrassed to say I had to see the pictures before I got how snow helped you to have a cup of tea. Looks like a lot of fun!

  4. All I can really think of is Boromir shouting: "Gandalf, we have to get off the mountain!", followed a few lines later by "It's Saruman! He's trying to bring down the mountain!". Then it would really have been Mt Avalanche....

    Looks stunning, though, and slightly less intimidating than the Andes (in a good way - I wouldn't fancy casually hiking around the areas I saw - I'd have died).
